Business & Education

Hardware, services and support, designed for Education.

At a glance

We're different from other IT providers. FIX4U has been providing hardware & support to Schools, Colleges & Universities of all sizes for over 12 years. Because we own the entire process -from design, assembly and distribution, to sales, support and repair; we can and will look after you better than anyone else.

Products and Services

The procurement of your ICT doesn't need to be daunting. FIX4U can guide you through the process to ensure that you get the right equipment, installed and working properly, on time and on budget.

Put simply, we can supply you with all the technology you need from one trustworthy source.


Whether you need a robust space-saving system, or a powerful high-end workstation, our education range is designed to meet your unique teaching and learning requirements.



Windows laptops and convertibles for students and teachers, hand-picked from a range of tried and trusted brands.

Google Chrome Devices

Fast, secure, and affordable, Google Chrome Devices come in a wide range of form factors, designed to suit your unique classroom needs. Teachers love them, students love them, and we're sure you will too.

Find more information, please visit our Service center website